The Team

Alison Henderson FRSA; a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts; has delivered reminiscence activities for over ten years and has successfully run various ladies groups both in the community and in Her Majesty's Prison.
Alison is a former writer for the national prison newspaper; Inside Time; and her blog; Prison Widow UK; raises awareness for families of prisoners; children affected by parental imprisonment; mental health and substance abuse.


                           Community Care Magazine 

                      The Forgotten Victims 

                                                   Daddy's Gone 

                                      World Literature - Daddy's Gone by Alison Henderson

Jennifer Rhodes; co-founder of Mind Crafts has worked in health and social care for over 20 years.
Facilitating ladies groups along side Alison; Jennifer has taught women with mental health and dementia; how to distract the mind by taking up safe and affordable hobbies.